Mastering Uncompress Command in Linux: Everything You Need to Know

Mastering Uncompress Command in Linux: Everything You Need to Know

Linux is one of the widely used operating systems for its open source nature, flexibility, and extensive command-line utilities. Linux commands empower users to perform various tasks efficiently. Uncompress is one of them. The uncompress command executes various data decompression algorithms and supports many file formats.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know to master the uncompress command in Linux.

What is Uncompress Command?
The uncompress command decompresses the data in various formats, including .tar, .gzip, .zip, and many others. It takes input from stdin and gives output to stdout. The original file remains unchanged, and the output goes to a new file with the filename extension of „.Z“.

Using Uncompress Command
Using Uncompress Command is easy. Open the terminal or console of your Linux system and type the command „uncompress + filename + extension“ and press the Enter key. The uncompress command converts a compressed file into an uncompressed file and saves it with the „.Z“ extension.

For example:

# uncompress hello.txt.Z 

This command will convert the compressed file „hello.txt.Z“ into an uncompressed file „hello.txt“.

Compressing a File Using Uncompress Command
The uncompress command can compress the file in addition to decompressing it. The command for compressing the file is „compress + filename.“ It takes the input file and generates a compressed file with „.Z“ extension.

For example:

# compress hello.txt 

This command will compress the file „hello.txt“ and generate a compressed file „hello.txt.Z“.

Decompressing Tar Files Using Uncompress Command
Linux supports various file formats, and tar is one of them. The uncompress command decompresses the tar file; the command for decompressing tar files is „tar −xzvf file_tar.gz.“

For example:

# tar −xzvf file_tar.gz 

This command will decompress the tar file „file_tar.gz“ containing multiple files and save them into a directory.

Compressing Tar Files Using Uncompress Command
The uncompress command can also compress the files in tar format. The command for compressing tar files is „tar −czvf file.tar.gz file_folder“.

For example:

# tar −czvf file.tar.gz file_folder 

This command will compress the files in the folder „file_folder“ and generate a file „file.tar.gz“.

The uncompress command is a powerful Linux utility that executes various data decompression algorithms and supports many file formats. With the uncompress command, we can easily compress and decompress the files and directories of different types.
Use these commands, and you’re sure to master the uncompress command in Linux in no time!