Integrating Fish Shell with Other Tools and Applications

Integrating Fish Shell with Other Tools and Applications

Fish shell is a user-friendly command-line shell available for Linux, macOS, and other Unix-based operating systems. It offers many built-in features like syntax highlighting, command autosuggestions, and tab completions. However, users sometimes require additional tools and applications to enhance their workflow. Fortunately, Fish shell makes it easy to integrate with other tools and applications to make the shell’s functionality more comprehensive and powerful.

Integrating with Command-Line Applications

Fish shell can integrate with many command-line applications to automate tasks, access remote systems, and perform other operations. Here is an example of how Fish shell can integrate with the SSH command to simplify remote access to other Linux systems.


function ssh_hosts
    set ssh_hosts (cat ~/.ssh/config | grep 'Host ' | awk '{print $2}')
    set_completions -c ssh_hosts

function ssh_etc_hosts
    set ssh_hosts (cat /etc/hosts | awk '{print $2}' | grep '\.')
    set_completions -c ssh_hosts

function fish_user_key_bindings
    bind -M default -k tab "complete -c ssh_hosts"

ssh user@

This code defines a function called `ssh_hosts` that reads the SSH configuration file and extracts all the host names listed in it. Another function called `ssh_etc_hosts` reads the local host file `/etc/hosts` and extracts IP addresses and hostnames. Using the `set_completions` command, these extracted hosts can be completed when a user types `ssh` followed by press TAB. Finally, the `bind` command binds `ssh_hosts` function to the TAB key, so the extracted hosts can be used as suggestions for auto-completion.

Integrating with GUI Applications

Fish shell can also integrate with graphical user interface (GUI) applications to launch them, access their features, and provide feedback on the shell prompt. Here is an example of how Fish shell can integrate with Spotify, a popular music streaming application.


alias sp 'open -a Spotify'

function fish_right_prompt
    if pgrep Spotify >/dev/null
        set_color $fish_color_cwd
        echo -n (sp metadata --format='{artist} - {title}')
        set_color normal

This code defines an alias `sp` that launches Spotify using the `open` command. It also defines a function called `fish_right_prompt` that runs every time a user types a command. If Spotify is running, it displays the current playing song’s metadata, including the artist and title, on the right side of the shell prompt. This integration can help users stay updated on the music they are listening to while using the shell.

In conclusion, Fish shell’s flexibility and ease of use make it easy to integrate with many tools and applications. These integrations can automate tasks, simplify tasks, and enhance the user’s productivity. With just a few examples, it’s easy to see how integrations can improve the shell’s user experience.

Using Fish shell’s integration capabilities can make a user feel like they’re not just using a command-line interface, but interacting with their operating system on a whole new level. So, it’s worth exploring these features to find new ways to make the shell work for you.